Creating Real Economic Destiny (CRED)
Chicago CRED’s sole mission is to lower gun violence in the City of Chicago through its own efforts and by supporting other organizations that assist Chicago CRED in achieving that mission. At CRED, we take a multifaceted approach to reducing gun violence, one proven to work in other cities. We work directly with the individuals who are most likely to carry a gun or get shot and in the communities where gun violence is most concentrated.
Chicago CRED proceeds from the belief that the surest way to stop gun violence is engaging directly with those most at risk of shooting or being shot and giving them a reason to put down their guns. Said another way, we believe that the individuals we work with are not the problem—they are the solution. They are the only ones with the experience, relationships, and courage necessary to do the difficult, dangerous work of reaching out to friends, neighbors, and family members and getting them to also stop shooting.
Your gift is invaluable in furthering our goal and we appreciate your support!
If you would prefer to donate by mail, please send a check to:
The Vistria Group
Attn: Rachel Schwimmer, Chicago CRED
300 E. Randolph St, Suite 3850
Chicago, IL 60601